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Let Us Create & Restore Healthy Boundaries,
Connections and Relationships. 

Dry Clay

We Are an Energy Source for Beings Who choose To Do Their
Inner healing.

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Heal & Feel: 

Attention Is Not Love.

Heal & See:

Attachment Is Not Connection.

Heal & Know:

Bare Minimum Is Not Effort.

Dry Clay

Welcome! "Salve!"

Chosen Ones "Electi"

We welcome you to Portal CCXXII.

Herein lies the wisdom and power

to ignite Enlightenment and Ascension.

We Proceed in Truth,

We Progress in Wisdom.

We Persist in Valor.

We are unpolluted vessels of love, light and abundance. We are high vibrational beings who only attract benevolent beings, experiences and things into our life, our reality and on our journey.



We are Here. "Hic Sumus."

We Are Free! "Liberi Sumus!"

What You Seek, Seeks You...

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Our Purpose

Heal Our World

At ILLUSTRATUM INCEPTUM LLC, our purpose proceeds by serving our galaxy, Gaia, Humanity, and all the inhabitants herein.

We thrive by acting as an open portal & vortex aligning self with Source Energy. With the intelligence of self-awareness, self-expansion, and self-advancement, we guide humanity to re-align with a fruitful form of self by recognizing the divine SOURCE ENERGY in us all.


We aim to provide a vortex of wisdom & knowledge backed with insight, healing & inner-standing.

Portal CCXXII thrives in the procurement of spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual growth.

We specialize in the "Initiation of Ascension" within oneself through emotional resiliency, prosperous relationships and guided connectivity.


We nurture and enlighten in natural-idiomatic resources that procure the rebirthing of Gaia. We trust in amalgamated growth to yield Liberation.

By encouraging human accountability and transformation.

we aid in the endowment of

multidimensional advancement, achievements & ascensions.


Source Energy

Seek & Find

We believe Source Energy refers to a point of origin from which all that exists draws its life force.  it is the origin where all unconditional love, healing, peace, prosperity and creativity surface. Source Energy represents all beliefs, ideas, and energies, ultimately "both ends of the stick" and all ranges of each spectrum.  Source Energy is not a physicality but rather a spiritual-divine point and place in consciousness, where one can access the essence of the life force itself also called qi.
This life force births all things. 
We reverence Source Energy as "the Most High God of all creation, destruction and beyond".

Source Energy flows through, connects, and is all. Everything that exists is a manifestation of this divine energy.
By becoming attuned to & aligned with divine consciousness and working with all, we can realize the portals of miracles surrounding us and live thriving in
our true purpose and destiny. 

We trust in the ancient universal laws of order & justice to bring truth the light & surface.
All Praises to the SUPREME CREATOR, the divine father-mother source energy from which all creation is, was, and will be.
so, mote it  be, and so it is. ase'.

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Our Perspective

Enlightened Undertakings

Our vision of the cosmos around us motivates our growth towards Galactic & Human elevation and transformation. We know and believe our dreams fuel the steps toward a brighter, safer future for us all. 

Illustratum Inceptum, LLC holds the values of individuals, communities and organizations who prioritize thriving on a conscious level within humanity & beyond. 


By nurturing vital connections with curated outreach, we boost, succor & expand within our foundation of ascension-oriented conscious beings. 

 We contribute to Campaigns & Projects dedicated to in local, international, and interdimensional fulfilment.

Evolution is Inevitable.

We are Here. 

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A Special Video For The Chosen Ones

Seek Source

Sunset Clouds

Keep On, Balance, Harmonize, Restore.


Frequency Healing

Humanity is Healing

frequency healing is a type of sound wave therapy to induce a state of awareness, relaxation, and harmony in the body and surrounding spaces. Solfeggio frequencies embody an ancient scale range aiding us in victories such as letting go of fear & guilt, turning grief into joy, facilitating change, unlocking transformation, miracles & DNA repair, harmonizing relationships, problem solving, awakening intuition, realigning with divine order and even manifesting security & comfort. These victories are just the tip of the spiritual iceberg in multidimensional healing.


This healing realm consists of hertz that positively affect the entire human body including human brain activity.  Scientific and spiritual practices prove that introducing these ancient frequencies to the brain, creates new waves within the brain compelling a synchronization with this sacred phenomenon. It is our belief that with purposeful initiation, conscious repetition, and whole being immersion - these balanced frequencies launch humanity's being, soul and mind into a higher state of consciousness.

This consciousness unravels a holistic effect.

See how soundwaves of the Ancient Solfeggio Scale are known to affect our various energy centers (chakras).

Learn More

Cracked Mud

Your Journey is Your Own. 

Claim and Affirm Your Freedom From All Co-dependencies, All Unhealthy Attachments and All Destructive Thoughts. Release yourself from karmic & toxic cycles and relationships.

Your Journey is Not To Be Polluted By Other Beings Menial & Oppressed Views, Disoriented Opinions and Diluted Perspectives. 

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